Wednesday, June 2, 2010

post #6

I think that I am kind of like Jem in a way and my little sister Angie is like scout. Like in the movie scout is always try to be like jem and always following him and copying him. My little sister is kind of like that with me but we are not always together. Like sometimes we go our seperate ways she will ride her bike and I will be watching tv or if she is watching tv I'm playing the wii.
But sometimes we do stuff together like we play with the wii or with the dogs. But after a while we start getting annoyed with each other so we both get frustated and go to our rooms and just be by our selfs for a while. But then we get over it then start doing stuff again.
Like scout my little sister is easy to persuade even when she says she dosent beleve me she does. LIke the other day I said that he dog died and he was out side in the back of the truck she ran over there and when she saw that he wasnt there she ran back in the house and she was try sock me it was really funny. She maks the funniest faces when shes mad

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