Tuesday, May 18, 2010

POst #4

Perpective: Atticus

Dear diary,

Well I have never felt so important to the town of maycomb. I have saved the lives of many and put my life in risk. I saved the town from a dog with raibees. I always knew that I was sent to this world for something other than having two naughty children. Wow! I just can't believe that I got the dog just in one shot. What's even better is the new nick name that I have, one shot finch. That sounds way better than Atticus. It all happen so fast that I can barely remember what happen it was just like a sudden rush to me.

All I remember is that I needed to protect my kids and any one that was in harm. So when I was handed the gun I just aimed and shot the thing. Then I looked and the dog was on the ground bleeding up a storm. But I kind of felt sorry for the dog because it died. But I would have felt way worse if someone else would have died instead of the dog.

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