Tuesday, May 18, 2010

POst #4

Perpective: Atticus

Dear diary,

Well I have never felt so important to the town of maycomb. I have saved the lives of many and put my life in risk. I saved the town from a dog with raibees. I always knew that I was sent to this world for something other than having two naughty children. Wow! I just can't believe that I got the dog just in one shot. What's even better is the new nick name that I have, one shot finch. That sounds way better than Atticus. It all happen so fast that I can barely remember what happen it was just like a sudden rush to me.

All I remember is that I needed to protect my kids and any one that was in harm. So when I was handed the gun I just aimed and shot the thing. Then I looked and the dog was on the ground bleeding up a storm. But I kind of felt sorry for the dog because it died. But I would have felt way worse if someone else would have died instead of the dog.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

POst #3

perspective: atticus

Sometimes it hard to think that i use to a kid becuase of all the naughty things these children do. I mean i remember that i use to get into trouble once in a while but it seems to me that they are always gittin into a pickle.

In all my years I haven't seen souch a beautiful thing. IT snowed here in maycomb. One of these days I want to help scout and jem built a snow man. Becuase this is the first time they have seem snow. Scout loud dredful scream is still ringing in my head. I have never been so scared in my life. But when i saw it was snow i thought it was just a dream. But you know in your dreams you know its just a dream and you dont want to wake up thats how it felt but when i relized that it was real it felt so good.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Journal #2

chapters 4-7
perspective:Miss maudie

Dear journal,
Today charles harris came back. Thats bad becuase i know for a fact they are going to be getting into trouble. I really hope that they don't do anything to harm me, but I am going to be on the look out to make sure they don't. Well although i saw them run into the radley's home, Mr. Radkey was nice enough to sow jermey's pant bac up, I hope that those youngsters behave because you never know what could happen to them. They could be killed by a crazy peson or they could fall whn they are running and die.

They are so nosy every time I see them they lookin at someone or somthing. I bet if i asked them somthing about anyone they would tell me the scoop. I know i was when i was a girl i remember when i was a little girl running around everywhere and always getting into troulde with my friends ohhhh now that i am remembering i need to start kidd proofing my home

Monday, May 10, 2010

post #1

Dear journal,

Today me and jem where playing catch out side. I sliped it was really funny but thankfully no one saw because I got up really fast. If jem would have saw he would have laughed at me so then I would have to pound him. Then he would start crying.

Tomarrow I want to go play some ball but I don't just want jem and me to play I want alot of people to play because it gets boring just playing with a little bit of people. Because if jem gets hurt he won't want to keep playing. But if we have alot of people so if someone gets hurt we can keep playing.