Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Journal #2

chapters 4-7
perspective:Miss maudie

Dear journal,
Today charles harris came back. Thats bad becuase i know for a fact they are going to be getting into trouble. I really hope that they don't do anything to harm me, but I am going to be on the look out to make sure they don't. Well although i saw them run into the radley's home, Mr. Radkey was nice enough to sow jermey's pant bac up, I hope that those youngsters behave because you never know what could happen to them. They could be killed by a crazy peson or they could fall whn they are running and die.

They are so nosy every time I see them they lookin at someone or somthing. I bet if i asked them somthing about anyone they would tell me the scoop. I know i was when i was a girl i remember when i was a little girl running around everywhere and always getting into troulde with my friends ohhhh now that i am remembering i need to start kidd proofing my home

1 comment:

  1. I like how you talk about how your character is feeling in your own perspective. I also like the fact that you sum up everything and add emotion to it too.

    Some things that I would suggest would to do spell check on your post before submiting it. Also to clerafy some parts of your entry, I kind of lost you at the last paragraph.
